Selasa, 13 Februari 2018


About Us

Regina Rambu Padu Djabu
Lato, May 12nd 1998
Hobbies: Reading & Singing

Sabina Uruk Seran
Watas, August 29th 1997
Hobby: Reading Novel

Elsiviola Ika Sadipun
Kolidatang, August 15th 1996
Hobbies: Singing & Dancing

Maria Yosephina Handriana
Bola, March 1st 1995
Hobbies: Reading Novel & Writting

Oktavianus Davidson
Maumere, October 2nd 1986
Hobbies: Reading Novel, Watching Action Movies and Playing Game

Hello everybody ....😍😍😍
We are the fourth group of Tour and Guide Course.
This blog as a place for us to practice our English skill.
Hopefully, we can learn everything we want...

1 komentar:

  1. Good job. Please add some information related to personal details of your group members. You may continue to the next assignment.


Kristus Ratu Mauniang