Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018


By : Regina Rambu Padu Djabu

Jagung  titi is a typical food of the people of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), especially citizens in eastern parts of Flores Island, Larantuka, Adonara, Solor, Lembata and Alor. Jagung titi or "Wata Kenaen" in Lamaholot (local language) is an alternative meal for rice for people in East Flores.
Jagung titi is flatten corn kernels. Soon after the corn kernels are fried on a clay pot, they are taken out one by one to be hit on the stone so they become flat. Corn is not only roasted until half-baked, but also it needs instinct to make sure the corn is right "flat" or not. Sometimes, the corns can be joined to big one. White corn is the best corn to make delicious jagung titi. So, to make jagung titi, a Lamaholot woman need much time. They do it in their spare time after cooking or cleaning their house.
When you come to Lamaholot, jagung titi will be served with tua bura (local sweet alcohol) or you can eat jagung titi with tea or coffee. To make jagung titi crispier, you can oven it and add sugar and salt according to your taste.
I think, jagung titi is good gift for your family when you come back from your vocation in Lamaholot. You can keep jagung titi for a year without chemical preservative.
By: Sabina Uruk Seran

            Paga is not only well known for its beach but also for Wogi. Do you know what Wogi is? Is it familiar to you? Wogi is special fish that you can only find in Paga because this kind of fish only appears in coast of Paga. It is made of small red fish that mixed with chili, garlic, onion, lime and basil leaves.
            If you have planned to Maumere on Christmas holiday, I suggest you to add your destination to Paga. In addition to exploring the beach, you can try to eat Wogi. The red fish for Wogi only appears in December every year. So you can enjoy Wogi just one time a year. And you just spend your money only Rp. 10.000 to have a bottle of Mberse, another name for Wogi.
            As information, Wogi is not cooked; it is just mixed with vinegar. It is so delicious when you eat it with cassava, banana or sweet potato. Wogi can be keep for a week or more if you put it in a refrigerator.


By : Elsiviola Ika Sadipun

Almost all Flores people know how to make rumpu-rampe, but many people say that the best rumpu-rampe is made by Larantuka citizens. Rumpu-rampe means many kinds of vegetable. For Larantuka citizens, rumpu-rampe is a mix vegetable that can be cooked by anyone including man because this kind of food is ingrained and always consumed by hereditary community. It is made from Cassava leaves, papaya leaves, kelor leaves, papaya fruit, the heart of banana and some seasonings like onion, garlic, salt and chili. Sometimes, fat or meat can be added.
It is too easy to make a rumpu-rampe. You just boil all of vegetable until soft and then slice them into small pieces. After that, food prepared by frying and then boiling in oil and spices. Rumpu-rampe is so delicious when you serve it with warm rice on banana leaf and eat it without spoon (or use your hand).

Kamis, 01 Maret 2018


By: Maria Yosefina Hendriana

Mage wair is a local food of Maumere, and has become the favourite daily food for society of Sikka. Mage wair is a fish soup. Mage means tamarind and wair means water or sauce spices. So, mage wair is a fish soup that taste sour because of tamarind in it. Its ingredients are garlic, onion, turmeric, ginger, leaf and basil, tamarind, salt and chili.

How to make :

Sliced garlic and red union, turmeric and ginger in smear. Chili was mashed. Soak tamarind in water according to your taste. Heat the oil in the frying pan, after hot oil seasoning and stir fry until cooked. After that, pour the tamarind water into the fish. After tipe lift and store in the bowl and put in basil leaves to add its aroma. Mage wair ready to serve.

Kristus Ratu Mauniang