Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018


By : Elsiviola Ika Sadipun

Almost all Flores people know how to make rumpu-rampe, but many people say that the best rumpu-rampe is made by Larantuka citizens. Rumpu-rampe means many kinds of vegetable. For Larantuka citizens, rumpu-rampe is a mix vegetable that can be cooked by anyone including man because this kind of food is ingrained and always consumed by hereditary community. It is made from Cassava leaves, papaya leaves, kelor leaves, papaya fruit, the heart of banana and some seasonings like onion, garlic, salt and chili. Sometimes, fat or meat can be added.
It is too easy to make a rumpu-rampe. You just boil all of vegetable until soft and then slice them into small pieces. After that, food prepared by frying and then boiling in oil and spices. Rumpu-rampe is so delicious when you serve it with warm rice on banana leaf and eat it without spoon (or use your hand).

1 komentar:

  1. 1. Almost ALL ....
    2. according to many people is WRONG >>> many people say that the best rumpu-rampe is made BY Larantuka citizens.

    3. For Larantuka citizens, rumpu-raampe is a mif VEGETABLES....
    4. It IS made FROM cassava leaves....


Kristus Ratu Mauniang